Because of various problems with Blogger, I've copied everything as of November 26, 2012 over to WordPress. The new location is Ask the Scientologist. I am not deleting this blog and will still accept comments and answer questions here too, but any new articles will appear at the WordPress location. I apologize if this causes any problems.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Scientology's Peril Sensitive Sunglasses

He... put on the sunglasses, annoyed to discover that the metal object had scratched one of the lenses. Nevertheless, he felt much more comfortable with them on. They were a double pair of Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, which had been specially designed to help people develop a relaxed attitude toward danger. At the first hint of trouble they turn totally black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you.
I must admit that I am a fan of Douglas Adams.  I find his very quirky British humor refreshing and delightful.  The above is a sample of his type of humor: Sunglasses that "help" you when danger looms by becoming completely opaque.

Ridiculous! Absurd! Hilarious!

Such an object makes no sense and would never exist.

Unless you are a Scientologist.

Danger is certainly looming for all Scientologists.  Every year, every month, heck, every day it seems like, there is more bad news for the Church of Scientology.  Secret documents are leaked; crimes are exposed in detail with lots of confirmation; lies are debunked; abuses documented.  It just doesn't stop.

It used to be somewhat obscure websites only visited by the few.  Today it is major media -- newspapers, magazines, television, radio and books by major publishers.  Scientologists are leaving the church and telling their stories.

It just doesn't stop.  Danger looms from every side.

And this is where Scientology's Peril Sensitive Sunglasses kick in.  You can't see them but every Scientologist has a trusty pair firmly clamped on their faces.  These sunglasses have been installed over many months and years of Scientology indoctrination.

When danger looms and Scientology is in peril, Scientologists' minds go opaque.  They cannot and do not read.  They cannot and do not look.  They cannot and do not think.

Then they are safe.  Totally safe.  They look, childlike, at David Miscavige, who tells them "Everything is OK!  Scientology is expanding!  Scientology is winning!"

And the Scientologists, with their Scientology Peril Sensitive Sunglasses, set to totally black, can relax.

All is OK.


  1. It is great to see you post again. A great read. I agree that Scientologist do have their special sunglasses to filter out the bad. I remember while I was in a really bad article came out. I had the nerve to ask about it. I was told that if it was true or not is not a point. Just look at the tech. The tech was the salvation of Ron to many people. But times are changing. After many years of use, the glasses are beginning to break. Besides... They are a cheap imitation of what they once were. Look for more write-ups like Debbie's.

  2. Great to see a new post!!! Loved it! Thank you.
    I have a question about Disconnection.
    Disconnection is a very effective and destructive control tool. We all know that. Most Scientologists have personal experience with it in a bad way.
    LRH supposedly canceled it in 1968 and then Vaughn testified under oath that he reinstated it in 1983 without LRH's authority.
    Section 29 of Vaughn's affidavit reads:

    “I have personal knowledge that material was written and issued under the name of L. Ron Hubbard that he did not author. While working at ASI, I personally wrote material to be issued under his name for several years. This ranged from simple messages to be sent to various organizational staff on events such as his birthday or a holiday, to my composing an entire large directive that was issued under his name. In these instances, they were done without his knowledge or consent. The directive that I wrote concerned the Scientology policy of ‘Disconnection’. The order to do this came from David Miscavige. Miscavige said that we had to reinstitute the Policy of Disconnection and that I was to write the policy for this. I wrote it and it went through several revisions. It was not sent to Hubbard for his approval, but was issued into the Church of Scientology. I might note that at the time I was not working for the Church of Scientology, but was working for a for-profit corporation.”

    My question is: Do you have any personal knowledge about whether what Vaughn said was true or not? And do you know anything about Vaughn from personal experience or second hand from people who knew him and about this period of time.
    Thank you...

  3. Yes, Compared to the very substantial Serengetis that LRon cranked out, they are the very "shoddy" type you find in the bargain bin at the local Dollar Store.

  4. @Squash Lady
    Re: Disconnection and Robert Vaughn Young

    I have no information about this. It certainly could be true but any physical evidence of such forgeries would undoubtedly have been destroyed by now. We just have what people say. I'd believe that Bob was telling the truth.

  5. @Squash Lady

    Yeah, I knew Bob Young when he was in the Sea Org but not afterwards. Some people become ... strange when they are in the Sea Org but regain their sanity once they've left.

  6. @Squash Lady

    LOL! Yes, that was a pretty cryptic remark, wasn't it? I met many people when I was in the Sea Org who were overbearing, callous, nasty, vindictive. Then later, when I've met them out of the Sea Org, they are quite sane and decent people.

    Bob Young was like that. In the Sea Org, you really didn't want to know him. Later, he was, apparently, a decent guy.

    The pressure, the micro-management, the crazy policies, rules and orders that you had to "make work" were enough to drive anyone insane -- and did.

  7. I'd forgotten about your blog for a bit, then someone mentioned it on ESMB. Nice to be here. :) The sunglasses metaphor was perfect - loved it. Please write more in this style, it's really enjoyable.
    I hate Scientology. I hate all the twisted weird words, the twisted concepts, the cold machines that are its followers and the constant webs of deception and destruction it leaves behind, like the slime of a slug. What do we really need to do to get rid of it once and for all? I can't even stand reading ESMB or WWP anymore because I don't want any part of Scn in my life - not the words, the lingo, the memories - none of it. I've been fighting this cult for years but I'd like to just get on with my life. Why doesn't it just lay down and die already, "We stab it with our steely knives but we just can't kill the beast."

  8. @Corella

    Thanks! I took a bit of a break from writing articles. Perhaps I was, like you, just too tired of Scientology.

    So many people want the evil to die right away. Don't be blind to all that has happened -- don't ignore how much the Church of Scientology has been destroyed. (There is an article there somewhere).

  9. We're all soooo tired of scientology. I can't stand their crap anymore. Every day we wake up and wonder 'has it fallen yet'... the answer is no. It's been hobbled though. Fingers crossed that it will fall soon. We'll keep watching until it does.

    I want my family back. They're hanging on by a thread. They'll disconnect from me soon, or they'll wake up leave the cult too.

  10. I'm afraid the cult won't go belly up and die anytime soon. What will likely happen is that it will bleed members and bleed members, and then it will bleed some more. Those leaving now are those who wake up under the current abusive regime. Those who stay are _really_ indoctrinated and will need even more abuse to wake up. But the fewer remains, the worse the pressure on those remaining. Thus, the cult will slowly crumble and dry out, but not quite die. In the end it will consist of a few old-time die-hard "Ronbots" and a hoard of ill-gotten cult money. I suppose when the last of the original Channologists are ready to kick the bucket, the last remaining Scientologists will be too.

    I believe the only way the cult will die is if someone actively kills it, i.e. if the IRS somehow regain the impetus to pluck the chicken one and for all.

  11. "....What will likely happen is that it will bleed members and bleed members, and then it will bleed some more. Those leaving now are those who wake up under the current abusive regime.... But the fewer remains, the worse the pressure on those remaining. Thus, the cult will slowly crumble and dry out, but not quite die. In the end it will consist of a few old-time die-hard "Ronbots" and a hoard of ill-gotten cult money."

    The weaker Scientology gets the closer the government moves toward an IRS investigation. Really it all hangs on Kendrick Moxon, the main Sci lawyer. If he can be disbarred or worked to collapse, then the government has its chance because none of the other Co$ lawyers are worth spit. Another battering ram against the gates are OSHA violations, especially during the construction of the Winter Wonderland display/stage on Hollywood Boulevard. The Angry Gay Pope and other critics have documented hazardous working conditions because the labor force are RPF slaves.

  12. Won't CoS just buy the lawyers they need?

    1. They want a mouthpiece they can control totally, and Moxon is a Scientologist. Regular private detectives and camerapeople will do a job if you hire them to do it, but a "church" lawyer has to know the inside story and know what to reveal and what not to reveal. Moxon himself seems to run things like Miscavage, micromanaging everything. They won't be able to find a quick replacement for him when he finally blows or retires or is disbarred.


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