The Church of Scientology that all Scientologists believe exists, has been
Scientologists believe there exists this robust and highly efficient organization called the Church of Scientology. They believe this organization is doing good, all over the world. They believe that this church has effective programs in place, being supervised by highly trained staff, and that these programs are causing great expansion.
This, they believe.
While it is doubtful that anything quite so grand and effective
ever existed in the Church of Scientology, there
were, at one time, plans and programs. There were, at one time, trained staff to run these programs. There was, at one time, expansion.
But no more. David Miscavige took over control of the Church of Scientology almost thirty years ago. Since then, he has systematically dismantled and destroyed the previous management, organization and activities of the church. Anything that was functioning in the old church has now been completely demolished.
While Scientology critics have been very effective in exposing Miscavige's crimes and the crimes of others in the church, and while Anonymous has helped greatly in accelerating the demise of the church, the major source of the destruction of the Church of Scientology was and is David Miscavige.
If anything in the Scientology organization is still functioning in any way, it is those things that have, so far, escaped direct "management" by David Miscavige.
David is
not a good manager. In fact, he is a
horrible manager. He would have difficulty running the local fast-food restaurant. He religiously destroys what
is working, and forces in programs that
can't work. He doesn't trust anyone, but he
will tolerate boot-lickers and sycophants. Anyone with any spine or spark of independence has been stomped on, hard--sometimes by being sent to the
RPF, but more often simply banished -- kicked out and declared Suppressive.
He dreams up bizarre projects, not based on any real facts or any workable methods, and then demands his few remaining staff "make it go right" and get his project executed. No one can make any of his cockamamie plans actually
work. Badly researched, badly planned, horribly managed, his projects
always fail. But, because he's such a horrible manager, he can't correctly evaluate who is at fault. Instead of taking responsibility for his failures as a manager, he punishes those brave souls who, at least,
tried to make them work.
This leaves only Miscavige, the cowards, the boot-lickers and the sycophants "running" the Church of Scientology. Nothing can get done! Nothing will
ever get done!
Today, the only things actually getting done are being done by people
outside of the church. Outside lawyers are still harassing the critics and reporters. Outside private investigators have been brought in to investigate the protesters. An outside ad agency is putting up some TV ads. A Japanese manufacturer produced the still-unreleased Mark VIII E-Meters. Anything actually getting done is being done by outside people. Anything being "done" inside the church, under Miscavige's management, is an abysmal failure.
The biggest and most important project laid out by L. Ron Hubbard was to expand
all Scientology churches to the "size of old Saint Hill". Saint Hill, in England, the center of Scientology under Hubbard, was quite the booming place at one time. Hubbard's orders were to get all churches stably to that level. Above all else, that was what Miscavige should have been doing.
Miscavige has
totally failed to do this. His projects to do so resulted in a few churches
temporarily reaching that size, but the "expansion" was false, and they quickly collapsed. Miscavige's management could
not create a stable expansion in even
one church.
As a solution, Miscavige redefined the "size of old Saint Hill" to a much smaller definition. Then he pushed a few more churches to
that size. And, again, they collapsed. Miscavige couldn't even meet his much-lowered goals. Instead of expansion, Miscavige's management inevitably results in collapse.
As a "solution" to
that, Miscavige abandoned the whole "Saint Hill size" program
entirely. He announced a
new project called "Ideal Org" and hoped that no one noticed
all his previous expansion programs had failed.
The "Ideal Org" program first requires local Scientologists to use their
own money to buy and renovate huge
new buildings for the local church. You see, rather than
expand -- and
then buy larger premises when you need them and can
afford them -- Miscavige is having the churches buy new buildings they can't afford, and ...
then (in some yet undefined way) they'll expand. That's Miscavige's "bright idea" for expansion. Unbelievably, he doesn't even understand simple cause and effect!
Does anyone need any further evidence as to his complete incompetence?
Inevitably, as with all the rest of Miscavige's projects, this "expansion" project is failing as well. Those few churches who have fully implemented his "Ideal Org" plan are doing worse than ever. Inevitably, Miscavige will blame others for his abysmal failures. Once again, heads will roll -- but
not his.
It isn't as if Miscavige doesn't realize he is a failure. Miscavige knows that if the true picture of his miserable management got out, Scientologists everywhere would cease supporting him. He would either be kicked out, or Scientologists would simply abandon his church. He knows this.
So the one thing he
does get done (and he
is in a blind panic about it all the time) is the fantastical events he puts on six times a year. As time goes on, these events have less and less to do with reality. Miscavige
must report huge successes and huge expansion at every event. Since he
cannot produce any major successes and
never has any real expansion to report, the events are all smoke and mirrors, to make him look good. Any glimmer of any Scientologists
doing anything, gets exaggerated, magnified, puffed up and filmed -- and then Miscavige pretends
he had something to do with it and that
he is causing great things.
But he
is a failure. No amount of smoke and mirrors, hand waving and fantasy can cover up the fact that he is a complete, incompetent failure. In all his life, Miscavige has
never succeeded, has
never completed anything, has
never made something better.
The damage to the Church of Scientology by Miscavige is so extensive, I do not see any way it could recover. In my opinion, even when Miscavige is gone, the effects of his mis-management are too severe for any possible recovery. The Church of Scientology is gone. Only inertia and the desperate efforts of a few local Scientologists is keeping it from immediate, complete collapse.
Each Scientologist has his or her own level of gullibility. Soon, most of the few remaining Scientologists will finally realize the truth and they, too,
will stop supporting him.
While it is very true that David Miscavige
has destroyed the Church of Scientology, and it is also very true that Miscavige ultimately
fails at everything he does, he is still vicious and destructive. In the short time remaining, the attacks he directs can still cause damage even as his organization collapses around him.
The battle for justice is not finished until the criminals of the Church of Scientology, especially Miscavige, are brought to justice.